
1182 Presidential Highway NH-Coos

ResidentialSingle FamilyNHJefferson03583, 035831182 Presidential Highway, Jefferson, NH, NH-Coos, 03583

1182 Presidential Highway, Jefferson, NH, NH-Coos, 03583

1182 Presidential Highway, Jefferson, NH, NH-Coos, 03583
  • 3 Beds
  • 2 Bath

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  • Description:

    This house was one of the oldest houses in Jefferson called the red squirrel tea house. Saw the potential this had and bought it. We stripped all everything down to studs, made the walls thicker for more insulation. We reframed, new wiring, plumbing,flooring,decks,sunroom,siding,drywall,trim,doors, appliances, new driveway, yard, even a new HEATED garage (16x24) everything is brand new 2 years ago. Which house will come furnished appliances,table,couch,beds,washer and dryer. So perfect for a new home owner or an Airbnb. There is tons of unique custom features a weaved eagle on the front of the house a weaved in 9' moose on the side of the house custom drift wood railings much much more!!

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